July 2019 – Modular chilling systems have been around for a while. The idea of being able to install a system that is expandable and totally reliable is pretty compelling. In an article at HPAC Magazine, it is hard to deny that the modular chiller design is here to stay. Continue reading “Why Choose Modular Chillers”
Water Cooled Chiller For Process Cooling
June 2019 – This water cooled chiller with two – two stage compressors is for process cooling plant in Detroit. The innovative two stage compressors provides all of the efficiency that comes with standard compressors but with more steps of unloading it can easily match the varying process cooling load preventing short cycling of the compressors. Continue reading “Water Cooled Chiller For Process Cooling”
Chiller Water Double Pump Tank Set
May 2019 – There are two options for building owners, process contractors and engineers when it comes ordering chillers and pumps. Order and install them separately or together as integrated pump packages. Continue reading “Chiller Water Double Pump Tank Set”