June 2020 – Heat treating is the use of heat to alter the physical and chemical properties of a material like metal. This process requires a lot of cooling. Tons of cooling.
Heat treated parts are found in almost everything we make. Tractors, computers, hand tools, fasteners and gears all depend on heat treating. Keeping the parts themselves and the power supply cool is what we do best.
Temperature Corporation designs central chiller systems for the heat treating industry. Our modular approach allows chillers to be added to the central system easily without shutting down the existing system. Combined with our chilled water and tower water pump packages, you have a complete cooling system that communicates the operating and fault conditions of each piece of heat treating equipment in the system to your plant PLC and can be expanded as your plant grows.
Our central chillers are available in four different configurations: indoor water cooled, indoor air cooled, outdoor air cooled and remote condenser air cooled and all are available with Dual Scroll compressors, or Single Screw compressors. The modular chillers offer a system that can be easily expanded, take up minimal plant floor space and can be serviced in place without shutting down the rest of the chiller system.